Sylvio A. Coutinho
Managing Partner / CEO
Sylvio A. Coutinho
Managing Partner / CEO
Since 2002 working on the forestry, industry, and commercial operations of TRC’s group. Sylvio was responsible to bring the first institutional investors and developing the supply chain and sales operations of the company. Sylvio graduated in Business Management and holds an MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC).
Fausto H.Takizawa
Director of Research and Development, Institutional Relations
Since 1996 working with teak plantations, worked as Environment Manager, Inventory Manager, Forest Planning and Systematization. From 2008 to 2010, assumed the position of Forestry Director. Graduated in Forestry Engineering from ESALQ/USP in 1995, at the same institution, get an MBA in Agribusiness in 2015. In 2016 he was honored as an Outstanding Executive at the 2016 Wood Congress. Fausto also holds a position as general secretary of the Mato Grosso Reforestation Association (AREFLORESTA-MT) and technical director of AMEF – Mato Grosso Association of Forest Engineers.
Cassiano M. Sasaki
Forest Director – Mato Grosso Unit
Since 2014 working in the company, Cassiano manages forestry operations in TRC’s Mato Grosso Unit: silviculture, harvesting, logistics, and certification. Worked as Forestry Manager in other companies and also as an FSC auditor. Cassiano graduated in foresty engineering at ESALQ/USP in 1997. In the same institution, he held a master’s degree in Forestry Sciences (2000) and later a Ph.D. in Forest Resources (2005). Cassiano also holds an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV – 2021).
João Lucas
Forest Director – Pará Unit
Manages the silviculture, harvesting, transportation, environment, certification, and administration operations within Pará State. He joined the team in 2008, shortly after graduating from college. He worked in several company areas as technical support to operational teams; environment, quality, certification, medical and occupational safety team management. João Lucas is a forest engineer who graduated from the Federal University of Mato Grosso and also held an MBA degree from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).
Samuel Figueiredo
Planning and Finance Director
Started in the company in 2012, and is currently our Planning and Finance Director, responsible for Forest and Financial Planning, Treasury, Accounting, Tax and IT departments. He has a strong background in growth modeling, forest optimization and software development. He holds an MBA degree from Fundação Dom Cabral and graduated in Forest Engineering from ESALQ / USP.
Tiago Bego
New Business Director
Since 2013 working in the group, is responsible for the compliance and new business department. Tiago has a business administration degree, with an international MBA from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) in Financial Management and Controllership.
Cezar Sackmann
Sawmill Director
Since 2013 working in the group, is responsible for managing the sawmill area at TRC. Cezar works in the wood industry and foreign trade as an agent and representative for the insertion of forestry-originated products, focusing on the development of goods for the entire wood industry productive chain.
André Moraes Dejuste
Sales Manager
Started to work in the company in 2018 and is responsible for the whole commercial operations in Asia (except India) being based in Taiwan. André has a bachelor in Economics in ESALQ/USP (Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz), master in Agriculture Economics in the National Taiwan University (NTU), and Phd in Political Economy in NCCU (Taiwan). He also has broad professional experience in the forestry sector in Brazil, Europe and Asia.